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WTF of the Day: Paris Hilton's New Album is On Its Way

This cannot be real. Oh, but it is. Paris Hilton, who's most recently famous for not being famous anymore and for getting caught in airports with drugs and for having granny hands, has decided that she doesn't like Kim Kardashian taking the celebutante du jour spotlight. She wants it back. Too bad she never learned her lesson after "Stars are Blind" came out; now she wants to torture us with round two of sparkly, awful music. That's right, Miss Hilton is soon to release ANOTHER CRAPPY ALBUM. Ugh.

At Usher's pre-Grammy party in Hollywood, she told The Hollywood Reporter that she'd be releasing her album soon, but that she needed to keep her collaborators and producers "a surprise." Yeah, as in look how surprised we'll all be that she paid some money-making producer to make her sound like she can sing. (Not that surprised.) Maybe all that time out of the lime light gave her a chance to learn how to sing without sounding like she's coming down off a helium high or maybe nothing's changed and she's just trying desperately (but not quite as desperately as Heidi Montag did) to keep the fame train a-rollin'. My bets are on that second option.
Here's a look at what we're likely in for: