Best Warner Bros, First Hollywood Studio to Offer Movies on Facebook,,,
This is the first Hollywood movie studios for Facebook, which makes hundreds of millions of fans and Warner Bros. Facebook, to recruit and ongoing funding through the website Facebook, for fans of the film within the studio.
Warner Bros. announced that starting Tuesday, millions of fans who "love" blockbuster hit Batman: The Dark Knight can be rented by the title Sign up for Facebook, officials. We will provide web page now "rent" for the mask code application of its provisions, so fans of the film flow of funds for site Facebook or 30 yuan 3.
Rents continue to buy up to 48 hours and provides full control of the film audience and watch them full screen video break when retrieve your username and registration. Easy to use on Facebook, and the audience can not comment on the film, interact with friends and update their status.
World Blood Donor Day monitoring the contents of electronic distribution, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group, through which video on demand, pay-per-view, Internet and mobile channels, and so on.
The President is very pleased with World Blood Donor Day, Thomas Gewecke, add Facebook to the list of electronic distribution. Comments Gewecke "on Facebook has become the destination of millions of people every day. Production of films available to us through Facebook is a natural extension of our digital distribution. It gives consumers a simple and easy to access and enjoy most Most film companies' stores in the social world. "
The project plans to expand the purchase of digital cinema in the near future more in the coming months.